You know you’re meant for more. You know that the universe has some big f*cking plans for you. You’re chomping at the bit for transformation, more adventure and becoming the main character in your life (finally!)

If so, you’re being drawn here for a reason.

You’ve just woken up. You are stepping into your
‘anything is f*cking possible!’ era.

  • But right now you can’t see bigger that the room you’re currently in.

  • It feels like you're floating between who you were and who you’re meant to become.

  • You want to break free from people-pleasing, and being at the bottom of your priority list.

  • Feeling like a broken down boiler without a pilot light. You want to be ignited and SHINE!

3 years ago I had my birth chart read, and I was reminded who the f*ck I was, and who I was here to be!

Since then I’ve learned how to break out of the cage I’d put myself in. I’m unapologetically loving who it is that I am. I’m tuned into my soul’s purpose and creating a legacy, moving through my life with excitement.

I have pretty much everything I’d ever wanted.

Now I’m here to introduce you to the soul version of you that is longing to come out from hiding. Because I know that together, you can create the life that you can’t stop thinking about!

Check out some testimonials

“ I’m forever changed!”

I booked the 6 month 1:1 programme for my 40th and WOW! As Jenna says - it often feels safer in the matrix - but we only get one precious life so I’m so glad I invested in something that was really about discovering WHO I AM!

”Working with you has been an absolute dream”

Jenna you helped me to SEE MYSELF!

To follow my Leo vibes, own it and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!!

“Whenever I talk to Jenna about my birth chart I have so many lightbulb moments!!”

You have really walked alongside me and been such an inspiring and supportive guide at the beginning of my journey. I can’t tell you how much it means to me and how excited I am for what’s to come

Learn more about moi

  • 3 years ago, I felt completely lost and invisible in my life—stuck in a 'meh' job and a marriage that just wasn’t working.

  • Today, I’m living a life that feels authentically ME. I’m a passionate astrology coach, living in a beautiful space I manifested, co-parenting my two wild daughters, and writing my first book!

  • I’m a Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Cancer Rising. My Leo Sun craves expression and creativity, while my Scorpio Moon seeks deep emotional transformation and truth. My Cancer Rising brings out the nurturing side of me, always wanting to create safe spaces for myself and others.

  • I LOVE Christmas! I seriously can’t get enough fairy lights in my flat! I’ll start eating Christmas cake in October, sorry not sorry!

  • I discovered pink lipstick in my late thirties and never looked back!

  • Cold water swimming gives me life!

  • Bright, cozy blankets, dancing on my own in my bedroom while trying on literally everything in my wardrobe, and watching tarot readings online are a typical night in!

  • I have all kinds of crystals dotted around my home and I love an altar!

  • I love Harry Potter and I’m a proud Slytherin!

  • I believe in signs, synchronicities, and pure magic! When you’re open to the fact that the universe wants you to win, incredible things start to unfold.

  • I’m divorced—although I hate that word. My experience has been more of a conscious uncoupling, and we've never had a more loving and understanding connection than we do now. Co-parenting with love and mutual respect has created a beautiful dynamic for our family