You know soul you has BIG plans this lifetime and you’re ready to break free and start creating it!

Right let’s be honest…

You’re here because you know deep down you’re meant for more.

Your soul is calling for change and you know it. You don’t want to play small anymoreβ€”you’re ready to create the life you’ve always known was meant for you.

But right now you’re stuck in the 9-to-5 grind or following the β€œexpected” path, and something just doesn’t feel right.

You’ve had those momentsβ€”sitting in a meeting or folding laundry, wondering Is this really it?

You feel drawn to astrology and birth charts, feeling this work holds the key to what you’re looking for…

You’ve tried to gain clarity and direction by reading self help books, taking courses, or listening to podcasts but you still feel stuck, filled with self-doubt and unsure how to break free from the limiting beliefs.

Ever feel like you don’t belongβ€”like you’ve broken free from the matrix, but now you're standing on the outside wondering, "What now?" You’ve woken up, you’re realising there’s more to life than just following the script, but now you’re unsure of how to navigate this new reality.

You’re ready for more, but without the usual guideposts, it feels like you're floating between who you were and who you’re meant to become. The world looks different now, but you’ve no idea what the next step actually is.

You’ve followed the traditional pathβ€”perhaps got a degree, the job, maybe even the house or the relationshipβ€”just like society said you should.

But instead of feeling fulfilled, you feel like something’s missing. You’ve bought a few crystals, maybe even dipped your toes into meditation or journaling, but nothing seems to really shift that feeling.

You crave something deeper, something more meaningful, but you're stuck in this loop of feeling guilty for wanting more when, on paper, you "should" be happy

I’ve been where you are. I know what it's like to feel stuck in a life that doesn't feel like yours, going through the motions and feeling completely disconnected from who you really are.

You’re not alone

I totally get it because I’ve been there. I was the woman who seemed to have it all together on the outsideβ€”good job, happy marriage, everything ticking along just as it "should."

But inside, I felt invisible, lost, and like I was just coasting through my life. I had spent so long putting everyone else’s needs ahead of my ownβ€”being the β€˜perfect’ wife, the β€˜perfect’ mum, a martyr let’s face facts β€”that I didn’t even know who I was anymore.

Most days, I’d wake up on autopilot, just going through the motions, completely disconnected from my own desires. I felt guilty for wanting something more, like I didn’t have the right to ask for more when things were β€œfine.” But deep down, I was unfulfilled and constantly anxious, stuck in a cycle of giving without receiving anything back for myself.

I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had with clients who feel exactly the sameβ€”caught in this loop of doing what’s expected, being everything for everyone else, but losing themselves more and more each day.

They feel invisible, just like I did, craving something real and meaningful, but so stuck that they don’t even know where to start. I get it because I’ve lived it. And trust me, there is a way back to you and your desires.

Your birth chart is the blueprint of your soul. It shows you your unique gifts, hidden strengths, and the challenges you’re meant to overcome. It’s how I was able to truly understand myself.

When I started understanding my birth chart, everything began to click. I connected back with my Leo Sun and realised how much I truly want to be seenβ€”I’m here to shine, and express my creativity!

Then came my moon realisation… hello Scorpio energy!! I finally understood the intensity of my emotions, my desire for transformation, and how deeply I crave real, intimate connections.

This was life changing information.

βœ… I broke free from feeling invisible and stuck in my own life

βœ… I uncovered what lights me up and stopped feeling lost

βœ… I started letting go of what no longer served me, embracing what was meant for me

βœ… I created a life I truly love

βœ… I started attracting opportunities and people that were meant for me, with ease


Keep reading babe…

I’m my true self β€”no more hiding or playing small

I’m living a life that feels completely mine.

πŸ€— You feel like no one truly sees or values you. You want to feel confident in your own skin and step into your power, being seen for who you truly are.

πŸ€— You’re coasting through life, doing what’s expected of you, but it leaves you feeling empty. You want to break free from the traditional path and live a life that feels authentic, exciting, and aligned with your soul.

πŸ€— You’re unsure of what you truly want or where you’re heading. You want clarity on your purpose, to uncover what lights you up and fulfills you.

πŸ€— You struggle with self-worth and constantly question your capabilities and decisions. You want to trust your intuition, taking bold steps towards your dreams.

πŸ€— You’ve lost touch with who you really are and feel like you’re living someone else’s life. You want to reconnect with your true self and embrace your unique gifts.


Astrology Coaching is for YOU!

Reconnect with your soul and…

Live a life that lights you up from the inside out.

Be unapologetically YOU, taking up space and owning your uniqueness.

Build fulfilling relationships that reflect the deep connection you’ve created with yourself.

Move through life with clarity and confidence, breaking free from limiting beliefs and old patterns.

Create a legacy that reflects your highest self, living a life of passion, freedom, and joy

There are 3 ways to start your soul journey…

  • In this 1-hour birth chart reading, we’ll dive deep into your Big Three (Sun, Moon, Rising), Chiron (your deepest wound and path to healing), and your Lunar Nodes, which reveal the gifts from past lives and your soul’s purpose in this one.

    This session is all about uncovering hidden insights and offering clarity about your soul's journey.

    We’ll explore the unique cosmic blueprint that defines you and shed light on the lessons and strengths you’re here to embrace.

    What you’ll get:

    • A deep dive into your Big Three: how you show up, what drives you emotionally, and the essence of your personality

    • Insight into your Chiron: your path to healing and personal growth

    • Exploration of your Lunar Nodes: understanding your karmic past and soul purpose in this lifetime

    By the end of this session, you’ll walk away with a clearer sense of who you are, why you're here, and how to align with your highest potential.

  • 1hr Zoom call (recorded so you can revisit whenever you need)

    An astrological deep dive into your birth chart with intuitive coaching

  • Β£555

  • Drawn to astrology and discovering your birth want to dip your toe in? This is for YOU!

    Give yourself the ULTIMATE time and space to explore your unique cosmic blueprint and uncover the hidden magic within you.

    During 3 powerful 1-hour astrology coaching calls, we'll use your birth chart to unlock your potential, explore your purpose, and help you truly understand who you are at your soul level.

    These 3 x calls will take you on a deep self-discovery journey, gaining clarity, and awakening your personal power.

    During these 3 x calls you’ll:

    • Discover the gifts and challenges written in your stars

    • Get clarity on how to embrace your unique strengths and steps to align with your soul’s purpose

    • Walk away with new insights into your souls journey

    This is your time to get curious, connect to the map of your soul and start the journey of remembering who you are!

    Please note: You’ll need your birth time to get the most from this package.

    • 3 x 1hr Zoom calls (all recorded so you can revisit them whenever you need)

    • A 'Stars You Chose' Print (a unique keepsake print detailing your sun, moon & rising signs)

    Your 3 x astro calls must be used within a 3 month period.

    Use them across a 3 week period or take your time and use them once a month. It's up to you!!

    Each astro call is an astrological deep dive into your birth chart with intuitive coaching

  • Β£666

    *Payment plans are available (just ask!)

  • This is for you if you're going ALL IN!

    Working with your birth chart is an absolute FULL BODY YES!!

    You just know this is for you!

    We'll spend 6-Months together diving deep into the astrological map of your soul! Including an in-person VIP day in London!

    This 1:1 astrology coaching experience is designed to have you set up for life, truly understanding youβ€”through the magical map of your birth chart!

    Over 12 transformative 1-hour Zoom sessions, we’ll explore each planet in your chart, giving every cosmic energy the attention and love it deserves. We’ll cover:

    🌞 Your Sun – How you shine and what lights you up
    πŸ’– Your Venus – How you desire to love and be loved
    πŸ”₯ Your Mars – Your passions and motivations
    πŸ’« Your Jupiter – How you can expand and grow
    πŸ’” Your Chiron – Your soul’s deepest wound and healing
    🌱 Your North Node – Your soul’s purpose and life direction

    ...and so much more!

    In this 6-month container, you’ll dive deep into your astrology, connecting the dots between your birth chart and your souls journey.

    With each session, we’ll uncover insights that will guide you towards living with more clarity, purpose, and authenticity.

    We’ll also be working with current planetary transits to see how the cosmos is actively affecting your life right nowβ€”plus, we’ll tap into the magic of each New and Full Moon to illuminate the areas of your life that are being highlighted

    It's like having access to your own personal astrologer for 6 months!!

    This package also contains a VIP Day with me in London!!

    Spend the day with me, I want to get to know you! Let's slowly walk and talk, mooch around my favourite witchy spots. I'll take you crystal shopping, helping you pick ones that align with your soul and we'll go for a delicious lunch!

    • 12 x 1-hour calls via zoom (2 per month, all recorded)

    Each call is an astrological deep dive into your birth chart with intuitive coaching.

    All calls are recorded so you can go back to them whenever you want, it's like accessing a vault of knowledge about you whenever you need direction or clarity!

    • A 'Stars You Chose' Print (a unique keepsake print detailing your sun, moon & rising sign)

    Perfect to put up in your bedroom or home office as a daily reminder of what makes you, YOU!

    • A VIP day with me in London!!!

    Spend the day with me, let's get to know one another, walking and talking, I'll take you to my favourite crystal shop and out for lunch in one of my favourite witchy spots!

    The date of your VIP day will be arranged after booking. You need to arrange your travel but I'll sort everything else!

    • Private Telegram channel to share updates and revelations over the 6 months together

    (Please note: You will need to know your birth time)

  • Β£3,333 or 6 monthly payments of Β£555.50

Life Changing Benefits Of Astrology Coaching

  • Clarity on Soul Purpose

    Sarah felt stuck in her current job, constantly feeling it wasn’t truly what she was meant to do. After exploring her North Node (soul purpose), she realised she was meant for a more creative path using her voice! She started her own business and felt more aligned with her soul.

  • Self Awareness

    Mark always struggled with setting boundaries in relationships and found himself people-pleasing. Through his Moon sign he discovered his pattern of avoiding conflict, which stemmed from childhood. This helped him set clearer boundaries, knowing he needed time to make decisions and learning to love that about himself.

  • Improved Relationships

    After learning her partner's Venus sign (love language), Emma realised why her partner preferred giving love through gifts but she needed deep, emotional conversations. Understanding their Venus signs allowed them to have that conversation and love each other in the ways they both needed.

  • Get Aligned With The Universe

    During a challenging period of feeling stuck and confused, Ruby learned she was going through a Nodal returnβ€”a time of major life transition. Understanding and having an awareness of this cycle helped her embrace the changes instead of resisting them.

  • Reveal Your Self-Expression

    Kate had always thought she wasn’t creative. By exploring her Sun and Leo placements (self-expression and what’s lights you up), she felt empowered to embrace her love of sewing and share it with the world.

  • Ultimate Tool For Unique Personal Growth

    Lisa started using the lunar cycle to track her energy and focus. But by understanding how the New Moon in her birth chart affected her, she started setting intentions during those times, seeing the unique way it helped her manifest.

Can this really work? It sounds too good to be true...

Yes here is the proof!

After working with me my clients have…

Had their biggest lightbulb moments about what makes them unique!

Changed direction in their career, moving towards what’s aligned with their soul journey

Created deeper relationships with loved ones

Become experts in exactly who they are, embracing their authenticity and unique quirks

Started speaking their truth and asking for what they need

Deepened their intuition, continually listening, trusting and leading themselves

Realised they are here to create BIG impact this lifetime

They are more courageous than ever, creating the life of their dreams

They are the permission slip for others in their life, showing them what it possible! Limitless possibilty!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It's a unique mix of looking at your birth chart in depth, factoring in what's going on in the cosmos right now and intuitive coaching.

  • Of course! Payment plans will always be available, please just ask!

    Reach out on Instagram or email me at

  • It can be overwhelming to choose right?!

    My advice would always be to listen to your intuition and trust that you know what option you need. I'll always encourage you to lead yourself.

    However, if you need some guidance, book a free call with me and we'll find the right soul journey for you!

  • So your big three is the name we give in astrology for the three core zodiac signs that make you, YOU!

    You are not just your sun sign (aka your star sign)!

    You also have a moon and rising sign.

    My big three is: Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon and Cancer Rising.

  • I totally get that, which is why I created a totally awesome FREE mini course called the Stars You Chose!

    5 days to open doorways into your birth chart, the perfect starting point. I guarantee you'll have some big realisations about you!

    Sign up here and get started now.

    Joining the Stars You Chose also adds you to my mailing list! I often do FREE masterclasses for you to dig into your birth chart!

  • I've got you covered. Click here to create your birth chart for free now.

    Note you'll need to know your exact time of birth.